Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Calling all girls u10 to u13 interested in representing Canterbury

Canterbury District will shortly be holding trials for 2 teams to send to the Girls North Harbour Invitation Tournament, which is a weekend long, statewide competition at Dee Why on September 20th and 21st.

Two teams, u11 and u13 will be selected during July of the best our district has to offer and the girls selected will get a District uniform. There will be extra training either at Parry Park or Queen Elizabeth Park.

Even if you don't make it into the team for North Harbour, the selection process will be a great experience for our younger players. This is a great start for future representative players. Information about trials will be posted here and on the Canterbury website. You can also email the club's womens officer if you'd like to be on an email list regarding girls' development opportunities.

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